Google Will Pay You $1 Million If You Can Hack Its Phones.


Google on Thursday announced its array of offerings:

–Offering of $1 million to anyone who can deploy a unique hack into its pixel 3 and 4 phones.

–Offering up to $1.5 million for exploits found on developer preview versions of Android.

–Rewards of up to $500,000 are also on offer for specific attacks that result in data theft and lockscreen bypass

The search giant is looking to fortify its latest Android Q (10 ) operating system against unwanted external attacks while guaranteeing users safety.

Google’s offerings, if successful, will expose or reveal any vulnerable part of the software for immediate attention by the company.

However, Google is not promising an easy task, as anyone who’s going to break into Google’s latest pixel phones will have Google’s secure element, Titan M, to deal with.

Titan M is a security chip that acts as a kind of guardian for device data. It will, for instance, look out for hackers trying to load malware when an Android phone is turned on and will secure app passwords.

The program went live on the day of the announcement, reading November 21st. Google noted that entries prior to November 21st will not be considered for the rewards as it’ll only give out the bigger bounties for research disclosed from November 21 onwards.

Find out more about the Android Security Rewards Program Rules here