Paga is a mobile payment platform that allows its users to transfer money and make payments through their mobile devices.
It is the brain child of Tayo Oviosu. Paga was founded early 2009 on the simple belief that the omnipresence of mobile phones can be leveraged to bring financial services to all Africans.
The company is now celebrating its major milestone of reaching a 10million download. Tayo Oviosu took to his medium account to express his joy and thanks to all users of paga. He said;
“Thank you,
We just hit our 10 millionth unique user today, a little over 6 years after commercial launch, and I am very excited about this major milestone! On behalf of our team, I’d love to simply say “Thank you!” Thank you to everyone who uses Paga! We are deeply grateful for the trust you have placed in us!
In 2008, when I decided I would quit my job to do something entrepreneurial, I wrote down 20 ideas in my journal. Number 10 was “mobile payments” and 11 was “banking the unbanked”. I then drew a line from 11 to 10 and asked if these two go together? And do they go with number 3 — cloud payroll. Today Paga is squarely tackling mobile payments and banking the unbanked/underbanked, and our sister company, a cloud payroll business, is launching soon!
We set out on this journey to make it simple for people to access and use money. Our motivation is simple — we want to make life possible for everyone. In life, no matter what you do, you need to exchange value with other people. You also need to be able to access finance in a simple and efficient manner to achieve your dreams. This is why our focus is to build an ecosystem that enables people to digitally send and receive money, and access financial services.
We want to make it simple for one billion people to access and use money.
Achieving our ambition is not easy but it is truly humbling when you hear stories of how Paga has impacted the lives of people. Such as Bamgbose’s mom who no longer has to travel two hours from Ijebu Ife to Ibadan to buy her goods — she sends money ahead via Paga and has her goods delivered to her. This is just one of the millions of lives we are making possible every day!
We take a long view with respect to the Paga journey, and Nigeria is just the beginning. We will continue to invest in our business in Nigeria and grow our services, offerings, and partnerships. We will deepen our partnerships with Banks and other financial service providers to offer simple digital financial services to all Nigerians. We will also take Paga to other countries where the problems we seek to solve exist and where we have the capability to execute. We are excited to solve problems that exist for over two billion people in the world today.
We are humbled by the impact of the work we do and are committed to working hard to make it simple for you to access and use money!

In August we simplified money transferswith our new apps and introduced our new FREE money transfers to anyone! If you are not yet on — don’t miss out, find your freedom today!

You can download the new Paga Money Transfer app from the iOS App Store or Android Play Store today!”
Congratulations Paga. More wins!