15 Solid Questions For New And Intermediate Affiliate Marketers

If you can answer all of these questions below then you'll be well on your way to blowing big as an Affiliate marketer!


Below, I’ve Compiled 15 Solid Questions For New to Intermediate Affiliate Marketers.

If you can answer all of these questions below then you’ll be well on your way to blowing big as an Affiliate marketer!

The questions include:

* How to know / pick hot selling products

* How to create a buying email list.

* What makes a niche profitable.

* How often should mails/ campaigns go out to your email list prior to product launch( Affiliate/ Vendor).

* As a vendor, what should you prefer; limited copy, recurring or high ticket webinars?

* As a seasoned digital marketer who is able to pinpoint a hungry market (no matter what), and proffer or feed solutions, apart from software products, what other niche products can you recommend?

* Given that you sell a wide variety of digital products from different niches, how do you segment your list on Facebook and how you create email lists that are consistent with these niches/ products?

* What are the step by step rules in writing any sales copy?

* As a vendor, what are the best practices in getting super Affiliates for your product launches.

* How are sales made during pre-sells and pre-launches?

* How to deal with refund requests?

* What advertising methods and sources should be used to market you product?

* How much do I need for advertising?

* Why not use a whole number/ figure like $50, $100, $500 instead of $49, $99, $499 etc?

* Why expose your earnings to the world. Aren’t you afraid of kidnap or theft?

Hope this helps!


image credit: Airgram