Almost $200k Dollars in Profit Within 1 Week


Listen up guys!

I’m Not gonna go easy on you….at least not today.

Why do some business owners and marketers make ridiculous amount of money while you’re still struggling to break your first $1k per month even though you work 10 times harder?

Wank to know why?

I have this buddy who makes almost $200k profits in under a week and when I asked him the same question, his reply was….

*** “Making big money online comes down to one thing..having a SERIOUS TRAFFIC SYSTEM that sends you targeted visitors every Monday, every Tuesday and every other day.

—Then use that traffic to build a profitable and responsive list that just buys whatever you’re selling”.

You can start by creating opt -in funnels / squeeze pages at strategic point across your social media accounts and websites/blogs.

They could be video content, text or gif with a call-to- action for users to unlock coupons, discounts, freebies, free reports, etc from right inside your funnel when they complete predefined actions.

Now you might be wondering how to setup a serious traffic system on your websites/ blog and Social Media accounts since you’re not tech-savvy.

It is quite simple, on your website/ blog, you just need to install a plugin that helps with squeeze page, opt-in setup etc. Some are Free while others are Paid.

You can also copy the link and attach it on your Social Media accounts.or use Canva to create one.

If you need help with setting up a serious traffic system across your platforms, do well to contact us

What If You Want To Start a Business On The Internet But Hate To Create Content?

I can feel your pain. Content creation is an overwhelming task that niche marketers and bloggers like us face every day!

In fact I used to struggle to keep fresh content on my website and blog until I discovered the most amazing strategy!

Content is your footprint on the internet. It’s a proof that you or your business actually exists. Without content you’d be ghosting away on the internet. There will be no page to drive traffic and build any business online.

Due to the relevance of having to put out fresh content always, however, we often find it difficult and challenging to keep up with the demands…

But here’s the thing!

The one thing that keeps me going and never get burned out is OUTSOURCING!

Outsourcing is the business practice of hiring a party ( individual/ software) outside a company to perform services or create goods that were traditionally performed in-house by the company’s own employees and staff.

In my own case, I use both outsourcing options but ultimately Softwares.

Truth is there are softwares to handle any manual tasks you may come across including content creation.

Don’t get it twisted! Content iDEAS must come from you! These software don’t think, they only act based on the command you give.

Content idea is a whole post of it’s own so I’ll dedicate an entire slot for it????.

Do you struggle keeping fresh content on your blog?

Then Outsource it to a software like Chatgpt, Marketingblocks, etc or an individual.

If you’re using a software outsourcing option, do well to invest ample amount of time in editing and also in the entire running of the business. Get involved!