Battery Myths Debunked: Best Practice For Smartphone Charging


People literally ask a lot of questions regarding best practice recommended to get the longest life out of the battery inside a smartphone. Questions such as; how much should you charge your phone? When’s the right time to plug in? Should it go down to 0 percent every time? Up to 100 percent? Should you hide it under your pillow while charging it? Does it really matter if you’re only going to keep the handset around for a couple years before an upgrade? Below are a few tips to follow.

How much should you charge your phone?

First off, how often you charge your phone is solely up to you. It is a myth to say that your phone battery must be dead or near -dead before charging is recommended. As a matter of fact, your smartphone is not expected to drop to 0% percent prior to charging, or else it may damage the Lithium-ion battery of your phone.That wears out a Lithium-ion battery even faster than normal. 

Best practice:
Partial discharge is the way to go; 30%, 50%, 90% , 20% etc. Definitely NOT 0 to 1%

Use either a high voltage or a low voltage charger.

When is the right time to plug in your phone?

Now, this particular question has been lingering in the minds of smartphone users. Some are skeptical about leaving their phones plugged overnight to the mains while they are sleeping. And this makes them worry for concern that their phones might blow up due to charge overload or incur some level of damage.

Here’s the thing, smartphone, laptop, Ipad makers preempted this challenge and decided to put an extra protective chip inside the devices that blocks excessive amount of charge such that at a 100% charge capacity, charging STOPS. However, If you leave the smartphone plugged in overnight, it’s going to use a bit of energy constantly trickling new juice to the battery every time it falls to 99 percent. That is eating into your phone’s lifespan

Best practice:

Before charging overnight, many experts recommend taking a phone fully out of the case to charge overnight because the trickling effect will cause an adverse effect on the phone.

And for the phone addicted users, don’t put it under your pillow while charging. You can expect the phone to get hot—not necessarily enough for spontaneous combustion, but at least enough to damage the battery.

Use preferably a low-voltage charger for overnight charging.

In conclusion, Battery capacities diminish as they begin to age. Batteries are not meant to last forever. The insides are in a state of decay that can’t be helped. Over time, they’re simply going to hold less and less power.

Nevertheless, you can get the longest life out of the battery inside a smartphone if you adhere to the instructions above.